[Andrew wrote us all family letters this week but did not have time for his blog, unfortunately. He says I can write some of the news he has shared. First big news is that he's been made Zone Leader and that requires him to move out of San Ramon and back near Huanaco, which was his first area. He spent time walking around his old town, trying to visit some of his old friends and contacts.]
He writes, "I also had the wonderful opportunity to walk once more through my first area. I knocked the doors of the people I miss the most. Though the direct people I wanted to talk to weren't there, I got to talk to the little girl of my first Pension, and someone from the family of Vladimir. I was close to all the family, so it was cool. I didn't have time to drop by Arlene (I formed a blog around her life story once) but it was still nice to walk around what felt a little like home. A little haunting, haha.